Tuesday, May 05, 2020

My Jandek Plague Journal: 4/28/20 "New Town"

"The last time I saw you/Was I don’t know when/That’s when I knew you/In all places I’d been." I don't have an emotional geography of Busan yet; I haven't met people in the city to form those kinds of stories yet. Philly, by the time I left it, was a space woven almost purely from associations, the memories underlying each route, all negatively tainted by the end or I was in a headspace where I could no longer walk the paths of happy memories. Maybe that made it easier to leave. I was lesson planning at work today, an online class because the echoes of the pandemic have yet to quiet down. For the first time since this started, I felt like I hit my stride, found a topic I could be expansive and engaging with while still using English in a way the students would understand. I felt like I was returning to myself, finally fitting the space I was in.

-4/28/20. "New Town" from New Town (lyrics)
(one week earlier)
(one week later)

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