Monday, May 25, 2020

My Jandek Plague Journal: 5/18/20 "The Cell: Part Three"

"What do I have/An insight from the past/So contrite, knowledge/Some bastion I guard/Some shade." I've been reading Adorno's Minima Moralia (slowly. I sit down to read in the evening and Kindle says I have 5 hours left. An hour later, I have 5 hours left). He says, "He who offers for sale something unique that no-one wants to buy, represents, even against his will, freedom from exchange." Is this not a summation of the pleasure of Jandek: the impenetrability of the project, its perpetual isolation from the mainstream, is what's compelling. There will never be a communal experience of Jandek, just your experience. Likewise the pandemic, despite being global, is a personal experience. How have you survived, how have you coped, who have you lost? There are great acts of community, there always are in crisis, but I'm thinking of the comment, "If we were all in this together, we wouldn't be in this together."

-5/18/20. "The Cell: Part Three" from Glasgow Monday (lyrics)
(one week earlier)
(one week later)

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