Saturday, June 27, 2020

My Jandek Plague Journal: 6/20/20 "Just a Rehearsal"

"We're ready for big things/To happen right now/We don't know what to expect/Except that keep singing the same way." Who knows what the world to come looks like? Part of the outrage from the right over wearing masks is this is not the apocalypse they were promised. The plague arrived, the country shut down, and people... stayed inside. Helped each other out when they could. Put a lot of hours into Animal Crossing. All the time and money spent on assault rifles and bomb shelters and survivalist practice for nothing. Then on top of that you get a nationwide uprising. Finally! An excuse to use those useless guns! You must defend yourself against... scores of unarmed protesters demanding black people stop being murdered. The end has come and all these people are responding the wrong way! And to make matters worse, they're winning. They're taking to the streets with nothing and tearing down your gods.

-6/20/20. "Just a Rehearsal" from Houston Thursday
(one week earlier)
(one week later)

1 comment:

RabidRabbit said...

Awesome post! :)