Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My Jandek Plague Journal: 4/15/20 "I Want to Know Why"

"Because, because that’s the only reason why." Korea held national elections today. What are the consequences of responding to a pandemic effectively? Apparently your country starts limping back to normal, you get to hold elections without killing your constituents, and the public forgets all your controversies. Meanwhile the US has topped 26,000 dead and cut off funding to the WHO. Because it's easier to blame someone else than to get the work done. Election day is a national holiday here so I took advantage of the time off work to go shopping and see a movie. Crowds were still thin, the movie theater sparsely populated, which speaks more to prudence than paranoia, but it felt okay. I didn't feel angry going out and going out didn't feel transgressive. It's just something to do. Even Jandek faded into the background. Whereas earlier it had made me start paying more attention even to other music I played, now it's become music I have on in the background like anything else.

-4/15/20. "I Want to Know Why" from Modern Dances (lyrics)
(one week earlier)
(one week later)

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