Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My Jandek Plague Journal: 4/8/20 "Dance of Death"

"Dance the dance of death/For it is there that you will live." What will we commit to and abide in the wake of cornavirus? Leftists pointing out that so many things we were told we couldn't do, large and small, are suddenly available to all--no data caps on cell phones, rent and mortgage moratoriums, the elevation of minimum wage workers to "essential" status. There's public acknowledgement that we need grocery store workers and Amazon warehouse employees more than the we need billionaires, but there's no talk about raising wages for the former or taxes on the latter. Grocery store workers have started dying from COVID-19 and the Washington Post wonders how those jobs are going to be filled. We've passed into the realm of accepting and assuming that you might just die for your job. Before this, we were teetering on the edge of workers paying their bosses for the privilege of a job. Now you'll die to guarantee their profits.

-4/8/20. "Dance of Death" from Your Turn to Fall (lyrics)
(one week earlier)
(one week later)


RabidRabbit said...

This is a cool blog, as a fellow Jandek enthusiast:)

I would dispute the assertion that the there's no talk of " raising wages for the former or taxes on the latter". There definitely is in Australia:) And there will be more if I have anything to do with it. People have finally woken up to the neocon lies and we will not let them forget it:) peace:)

Donald said...

Well hello from Busan fellow Jandek enthusiast, and I hope you're safe in Australia. I'm glad to hear there's pushback against the neocon agenda going on in your part of the world. I haven't seen a similar kind of public rhetoric or organizing against those same ideas in the media I get from the US, but I'd probably be more aware of or involved in it were I still there (and how many caveats and conditions can I put in one sentence?).
Also, these posts are intentionally-limited snapshots of a moment (no more and no less than one page from a journal I bought for this purpose); that's why they're posted a week after I've written them and have the "one week earlier/later" links at the bottom. Things seem radically different even a week later while so many things remain the same so I'm at once trying to record my responses as they happen while also creating a record so I can see the broader arc of this period.
Ah! But, there are always the two radical principles: that every act of hope, of kindness, is a radical act because it imagines a world beyond the barbarity that presently rules, and, with that, that hope dies last.
Thanks for the comment!

RabidRabbit said...

Absolutely..very happy to support and encourage:) *fistbump*:)

We are blessed here in terms of having managed to flatten the the curve severely. Still, looks like we will have to keep battening down the hatches for a while:)

Likewise..thank you very much for the reply. I see exactly what you mean:)