Friday, April 24, 2020

My Jandek Plague Journal: 4/17/20 "When the Telephone Melts"

"When your shoes got holes/And the sidewalk’s not the same/And you’re falling down/Then you can think about your mother/Yes, and you can think about your friends/But you can’t blame me for not being around." In the midst of a pandemic, everything is about the pandemic. I started watching Godzilla movies, one a week, on March 13th, the same day HHS in a "not for public distribution" report said the pandemic will last 18+ months. All the movies, maybe because they get progressively goofier and absurd, seem to be about the pandemic. A massive, unprecedented threat emerges that the government is woefully unprepared for, even as they face it many times. They insist on solutions that always failed in the past while the populace fails to prepare. Despite the common foe, selfish short-term goals and base idiocy undermine potential solutions. In the end, the day is saved by those who persevere despite the harms they've suffered and the forces amassed against them keeping people from dying.

-4/17/20. "When the Telephone Melts" from You Walk Alone (lyrics)
(one week earlier)
(one week later)

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